Monday, March 1, 2010


I recently read the book Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by Stasi and John Eldredge (2005) and finished with a renewed strength and understanding of what it truly means to be captivating. In his previously acclaimed book, Wild at Heart, John revealed the message that men are adventurers and long to be the knight in shining armor that rescues the princess. He uses three points regarding men: 1) they desire to fight a battle, 2) live an adventure, and 3) rescue a beauty. Hence, Stasi wrote in contrast what it means to capture the heart of her knight with three points as well. The woman, 1) portrays the beauty from within by being romanced, 2) plays a matchless character in her knight's adventure, and 3) ultimately unveils her beauty.

I've always been the athletic, independent sort, feeling that I could make things happen by doing them myself. With the passing of time, however, I realized that even though my efforts appeared fruitful, I still longed to be a princess. Not being the frilly, Southern girl that has been carried on the proverbial pedestal, I began to realize that I needed and wanted to be captivating. Inside and out. At the end of her book, Stasi wrote a passage that I converted to be my own. One that I embrace with each new day. One that refreshes my spirit and demands that I reflect on myself with renewed awareness that I too can be captivating. Although Stasi chose the word captivating, I prefer enchanting. Many words are used in reference to the desired character encompassed in the heart of a woman, such as charming, attractive, appealing, fascinating, charismatic, entrancing, delightful, pleasing, enjoyable, amusing, wonderful, and lovely. In a world so full of distractions, it is without reservation that I speak to which I am led by the Lord; and that is to unload the burden of selfishness and...

As a woman who has been ransomed and redeemed, I can be tough AND tender. I live each day according to God's mercy, mystery, beauty and His desire for intimate relationship with me. I am enchanting; I can risk being vulnerable, offering the weight of my life as well as my need for more because I am safe in God's love. I toil with God to bring forth life - in creativity, in work, in others. My aching, awakened heart leads me to the feet of Jesus, where I wait on Him and for Him. The eyes of His heart are always on me. My Lord is enchanted by my beauty. I am needed. I am needed in order to awaken to God more fully and to awaken to the desires of the heart that He placed within me so that I will come alive to Him and to the role that is mine to play. I am certainly called to be a woman, wherever else He leads me, I will follow.

Although it is still a daily struggle to live an enchanting life in such a dark and dreadful world, I continue to reflect on the passage above each day and open my heart freely for the Lord to encompass my words and actions to mirror His love for me and through me. God has given me my Larry as my knight with his armor of protection and his provision for me. I get to stand behind him as he fights our battles and romances me, share in his adventures as his matchless princess, and saction him to be my rescuer by unveiling the beauty from within me. So even though you may be like me; independent to a fault, true freedom comes from allowing Jesus to encapsulate your heart with a spring that flows forth from "the well" that never runs dry. Wow, what a serendipitous life we live. God gives us over and above what we could ever hope for.

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