So, that's a few more sections. I'll take more pictures and post them next time. Until then create when you can and sleep when you have to!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Time for a Change
Since I've started my Redeemed Rags clothing, I've discovered that I need to reach out through my blog so I'm changing the format a bit as you will see. Since pictures speak much louder than words, I'm gonna be less wordy, and more picturey. Is that a word? If not, I just made it one!
So now I'm in mass production once again. September 7-8 in Germantown, Tennessee is the next big event. Well, it's actually only my third event, but none-the-less, I'm preparing. My daughter, Holly, and I had great success at the Spring craft fairs in Arlington and Collierville so we're teaming up again to do another one. I need to triple the inventory. So here goes.....
Okay, I usually don't let anyone see my studio in this condition, but I had to prove that I was creating. What a mess! Perhaps I'll clean it up - let's say.... in October! Yeah, October! Until then, it's time to produce!
So now I'm in mass production once again. September 7-8 in Germantown, Tennessee is the next big event. Well, it's actually only my third event, but none-the-less, I'm preparing. My daughter, Holly, and I had great success at the Spring craft fairs in Arlington and Collierville so we're teaming up again to do another one. I need to triple the inventory. So here goes.....
Okay, I usually don't let anyone see my studio in this condition, but I had to prove that I was creating. What a mess! Perhaps I'll clean it up - let's say.... in October! Yeah, October! Until then, it's time to produce!
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