Thursday, July 25, 2013

Time for a Change

Since I've started my Redeemed Rags clothing, I've discovered that I need to reach out through my blog so I'm changing the format a bit as you will see. Since pictures speak much louder than words, I'm gonna be less wordy, and more picturey. Is that a word? If not, I just made it one!
 So now I'm in mass production once again. September 7-8 in Germantown, Tennessee is the next big event. Well, it's actually only my third event, but none-the-less, I'm preparing. My daughter, Holly, and I had great success at the Spring craft fairs in Arlington and Collierville so we're teaming up again to do another one. I need to triple the inventory. So here goes.....
 Okay, I usually don't let anyone see my studio in this condition, but I had to prove that I was creating. What a mess! Perhaps I'll clean it up - let's say.... in October! Yeah, October! Until then, it's time to produce!